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            ทีนี้ผมก็จะพูดถึงวิธีการดูเหรียญรุ่นนี้เบื้องต้นก่อนละกันนะครับ เพราะเหรียญรุ่นนี้ผมขอบอกเลยว่า ถ้าเป็นเหรียญที่ปลอมออกมารุ่นหลังๆปราบเซียนจริงๆครับ  ทำได้เหมือนมากๆแทบไม่มีข้อแตกต่างๆเลย ต้องสังเกตเอาจากจุดเล็กๆ ซี่งตัวผมเองก็ยอมรับว่าตรงจุดนี้ยังไม่ค่อยแม่นครับ แต่ถ้าเป็นจุดใหญ่ๆทีพอจะตัดเหรียญปลอมออกไปได้ซัก 90 % นั้นผมพอบอกได้ครับ และหลักการง่ายนำไปใช้ได้จริงๆครับ อ้อ!แล้วก็อีกอย่างนึงที่ขอบอกนะครับ เหรียญรุ่นนี้มีปลอมมานานมากๆ ไม่น้อยกว่า 60-70 ปี ดังนั้นถ้าเกิดเห็นว่าเป็นของเก่าแก่ในบ้าน สมัย ปู่ ย่า ตา ยาย ก็ไม่แน่ว่าจะแท้เสมอไปครับ เหรียญนี้ต้องคิดไว้เสมอครับ 10,000 เหรียญ มีโอกาสแท้แค่เหรียญเดียวนะครับ 

วิธีการตรวจสอบขั้นตอนที่ 1

             เหรียญรุ่นนี้ด้านหัวและก้อยจะตรงกันข้ามกันครับ ลองพลิกดูนะครับ ถ้าเหรียญ 2 ด้านหัวตรงกันแสดงว่าปลอม 100% ครับ

วิธีการตรวจสอบขั้นตอนที่ 2

            ลองเทียบดูกับเหรียญแท้ในรูปที่ผมลงไว้ในบทความนี้ ถ้ามีจุดแตกต่างกันมากๆแสดงว่าใช้ไม่ได้แล้วครับ  ฟันธงไปเลยว่าปลอม 100 % ไม่ต้องเสียดายครับ เค้ามีกันทุกบ้าน

วิธีการตรวจสอบขั้นตอนที่ 3

            ถ้าผ่านขั้นตอนที่ 2 มาได้แล้วก็ลองเอาเหรียญวางลงกับพื้นอะไรก็ได้ครับ ที่เป็นลักษณะพื้นเรียบๆ แล้วจับหมุนเลยครับ ถ้าหมุนติ้วๆ เหมือนลูกข่างแสดงว่าไม่ใช่ครับ เหรียญแท้จะต้องเรียบติดไปกับพื้นเลยครับ หมุนไม่ไปครับ 

 วิธีการตรวจสอบขั้นตอนที่ 4

            ถ้าผ่านขั้นตอนที่ 3  ขั้นตอนต่อไปก็ คือ ชั่งน้ำหนักครับ เหรียญรุ่นนี้น้ำหนักแท้จริง 15 กรัม พอดิบพอดี แต่ก็มีความเป็นไปได้ครับ ที่จะบวกลบนิดหน่อย ช่วงประมาณไม่เกิน 14.5 15.5 กรัมถึงจะพอมีสิทธิ์ครับ   




วิธีการตรวจสอบขั้นตอนที่ 5

                เหรียญที่ผ่านมาถึงขั้นตอนนี้ได้จะมีน้อยละครับ ขั้นตอนเบื้องต้นขั้นสุดท้ายนี้ก็คือ ให้ดูที่ขอบเฟืองของเหรียญครับ ระหว่างช่องฟันเฟืองจะมีขีดตรงกลางทุกช่องซึ่งเกิดมาจากบล็อกที่พิมพ์ครับ ผมขออนุญาตใช้เหรียญ 1 บาท สมัย ร.6  ถ่ายรูปให้ดูเทียบนะครับ เพราะผลิตจาก โรงกษาปณ์ฝรั่งเศสเหมือนกันครับ ข้างในช่องฟันเฟืองจะมีขีดเหมือนกัน


วิธีการตรวจสอบขั้นตอนที่ 6

ถ้าหากเหรียญของท่านผู้อ่านผ่านมาได้ถึง 5 ขั้นตอน มีโอกาสถึง 70 % ครับที่จะเป็นเหรียญแท้ แต่ก็อย่างที่ว่าล่ะครับเหรียญปราบเซียนรุ่นนี้ทำได้แนบเนียนมากๆ เพราะฉะนั้นท่านที่ผ่านมาได้ทั้ง 5 ขั้นตอน จึงสมควรถือออกไปหาบรรดาเซียนๆทั้งวงการพระ และวงการเหรียญ เพื่อให้ตรวจพิสูจน์เบื้องลึกขั้นสุดท้าย หรือจะติดต่อมาให้ทางเวปไซต์เอ็มพีคอยตรวจสอบให้ก็ได้ครับ


                ท่านที่ตรวจสอบแล้วไม่ผ่านขั้นตอนใดก็ตามไม่ต้องเสียใจครับ คิดเอาไว้เสมอว่าทุกๆวันก็มีคนพบเหตุการณ์เดียวกับเราทั่วประเทศไทย ไม่น้อยกว่า 100 รายครับ




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    I wonder how much sales of Skechers Women's Shape Ups Kinetix Response Fashion Sneaker like those will increase cheap fitflop shoes with hopes from women who want to be as fit and in shape as Kim.The Kardashian commercial showed Kim doing a very personal workout that turned out to be with a trainer -- one she claimed to break up with because her Shape Ups put him out of business.I own a pair of Shape-Ups, and found them pretty hyped but they did give me a good workout as I wore them when I walked around, hiked or did gardening.I see they even have FitFlop Boots now.When the Shape Ups first came out they were a big deal, with people leaving lots of comments on my personal blog about what they felt were fitflops on sale issues of back pain and the like with the shoes.
    Charlottesville area. The “threads” pertaining to this angle of the investigation are informative and appear to have some merit. he debate on which footwear style has the most love/hate relationships with fashionistas has lost a contender, UGG is no longer in the race for that fitflops clearance title; it'll be all love for the brand from now on. The Australian company has introduced a very fashionable and fashion forward collection for Fall 2012 that will keep you intrigued. UGG is so much more than their classic sheepskin boot and that statement is made quite boldly with their retro chic line.While the collection still walkstar fitflops sale features the boot that made them famous, UGG also offers consumers edgier silhouettes and fabrications. From the combination of buttery leather, bovine fur and 5-inch wooden heels in styles like the Illiana Ankle Bootie and the Nicco Peep-toe Slingback to the laser-cut snakeskin effects and prominent studs of the Fiorella T-Strap Sandal and Amadora Clog, UGG fitflops walkstar 3 will definitely capture and hold your attention.Gravity is not your friend! When it comes to gravity, women are seriously getting a raw deal as they age! Do you find yourself wondering what happened to that firm little tush you had years ago? Some blame pregnancy and childbirth. Others blame it on the middle-age-spread! But everyone knows fitflop shoes gravity is the culprit!
    Take a glance at Reebok’s commercial for their EasyTone shoes and you’ll find firm-butted women vacuuming floors, dancing around the office and gardening. A fitflops sale person could almost be fooled into thinking that you can go about your normal routine in life and these shoes will eliminate cellulite and produce sculpted calves and buns. Reality is the fit and trim model in the commercial probably has good eating habits and works out…a lot.If you’re not gullible and can see the product for what it is which is a shoe designed to boost your workout or put a little extra pep in your step during your day- then go for it. fitflop women s Otherwise leave the shoes on the shelves and use the $99.98 for a full year gym membership.They say it's like having a gym in your shoes. According to the makers of FitFlop footwear, they’ve discovered a technology for shoes capable of increasing muscle activity, realigning ground force reaction and even subduing foot pains caused by heel fitflops spurs and plantar fasciitis.
    Imogen Heap released the track "Just For Now" back in 2005 on her album "Speak For Yourself." Her airy and light vocals float over the song's dreamy electronica sound. With her holiday update, Clarkson turns "Just For Now" into a robust Christmas ballad. Orchestral production and the melody from "Carol of the fitflop Bells" blankets Kelly's cover. Her soulful voice soars on the track as she takes it to new heights. "Just For Now" is not your typical choice for a Christmas album Clarkson makes it work with her stirring rendition.April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and this year’s theme is “It’s Time…to Get Involved”!! SAAM’s campaign fitflop floretta focuses on everyone speaking up to prevent sexual violence in our families, neighborhoods, communities, workplaces, and schools. It explores basic social processes of human beings and offers individuals safe, viable, and responsible ways to intervene. This primary prevention approach helps to create environments where people can live sexually violent-free lives.Famous actress, Ashley Judd has been involved. fitflop sale We want to take this time to honor her philanthropic work with women for Women for Women International, an organization that transforms the lives of women survivors of armed conflict and her work for mankind with The Enough Project, an organization that helps to build a permanent constituency to prevent genocide and crimes against humanity.
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    Remember that with both the vision and mission statements, the purpose is to motivate and to keep people focused. They are a filter that all goals and strategies must fit through in order to be included in the school's cheap fitflop plan. The next step in the process will be to create the goals that the team believes will accomplish the mission of the school.When Vince Lorenzano was named head football coach at Bishop Chatard in fitflop 2003, the school had already claimed six state titles.Lorenzano had served as an assistant coach at Chatard since 2001, and was well aware of the pressure that he would face. Chatard was regarded as the dominant school in Indiana Class 3A, and he was hired to continue the dominance.In eight years, Lorenzano has exceeded those expectations and put Chatard in the Indiana High School Athletic Association record books.
    Wood, 65, and Araujo, 32, fitflop arena dated from January 2010 to October 2011. He went into rehab shortly after they began dating.Araujo told the Daily Mail: "I loved him and we were in a serious relationship, so it was important to make him completely change his lifestyle and nurse him back to health. fitflop sale Every single day for the first three months we were together, often twice a day, I went to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous to support and get Ronnie sober."I made him take vitamins, eat organic food and when he broke down and wanted to drink, I was fitflops on sale there to help him through those dark times. It took him 50 years to stop. No one else could help him, but I could ... I am proud of all the therapy work I did with him."When Wood and Araujo were a couple, he often told the fitflop ciela media that she was helping him stay clean and sober.
    Though their website offers nothing but five-star raving reviews the Net seems less enthused. Complaints about an uncomfortable fit, being too pricey and utter disappointment about the overall effect on muscles are rampant. One buyer comments, “Would where to buy fitflop shoes I buy another pair? Nope. I just can't see spending that much money on a pair of shoes, although they do feel good and I can walk all day in them, they are just too expensive and they don't do what they promise.”Not all reviews were bad, fitflops a significant amount of consumers report loving the sandals whether for their thick soles or aesthetic appeal but it’s difficult to find someone who actually agrees that the shoe delivers on its promise to “help tone and tighten your leg muscles while you walk in them.” Unsettling fitflops clearance considering this is FitFlop’s primary marketing focus.
    Von Ruden's objective was twofold: make products the stars of the show and increase brand presence on the show floor.It grabbed visitors attention, who then came and checked out their product line. This principle applies in other ways, too. fitflop on sale Sometimes it’s not about which part of the room you are in, but how much space you have in it. Houghton used a custom exhibit design, making their small 10’x20’ exhibit refreshing and memorable through the use of bright colors and bright flooring. It looked modern and fitflops sale exciting, despite the small size.Pretty booths are a dime a dozen. Everywhere you look there is a pretty booth at your typical tradeshow. But what about memorable booths? There are sometimes only one or two of them at any given trade show, but they are memorable because fitflop coupon they are special. Evan Williams created a memorable and creative trade show booth. The bourbon whiskey manufacturer wanted an exhibit that showcased their product and brand. They created a bourbon barrel replica with the use of high-quality printed graphics gave the barrel the realistic wooden look. Visitors fitflps loved it and remembered the company.While gimmicks can work for the right company in the right space, sometimes you want to keep the focus on the product itself, and not the booth. Cox Communications did this for their display at the Chesapeake Arena, as a featured sponsor fitflop shoes for the Oklahoma City Thunder.
    Speaking of men, a few of the guys weighed in with their must-haves for summer.Jeff O'Neil, Ted Gibson Salon: "For maintaining healthy skin and hair on-the go "summertime must haves" are Ted Gibson Travel Essentials for major convenience, from the hand-bag to fitflop arena tan the beach-bag are... Hair Sheet Treatment, Hair Sheet Styling, Body Kit, are all Travel Essentials!"Jeff Wakefield: "A good cooler!!"Rick Kain, Actor /Stuntman: "Sunny days, warm nights, and lots of time to share it with my girl."David C. Kersey, Founding Partner DCK Ventures: "Iced coffee, my shades and fitflop sandals my flip-flops...then I'm ready for the sights and blessings of summer to cross my path!"Mark Vermette: "Well aged tequila and fresh limes."

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